Bundesallee 204-206, Nachodstraße 14 Berlin-Wilmersdorf

Establishment of local planning law for extension of office building

Property particulars:

  • 17,500 sqm. rental space in existing building (office/administration)
  • 16,000 sqm. rental space for building extension (planning)


2005 - 2006 pre-planning / establishment of local planning law


Negotiations with local authority on modifying an existing rebuilding plan and conclusion of an urban planning agreement

Owner / representative:

Negotiator, Volker Müller for IVG Immobilien AG as owner

Special features:

Optimising land value through the establishment of local planning law for partial demolition of existing buildings and reallocating road land to construction/extension

Note: This reference does not concern an Immpex project, but its management was responsible for the relevant activities as part of their earlier work.

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