Business location Saatwinkler Damm, Berlin

Development of central business location and sale of plots of land

Property particulars:

  • 151,000 sqm. gross site area
  • of which 125,000 sqm. potential building land

Project volume:

42,600,000 Euro


  • 2000 site development contract / urban planning contracts
  • 2001 purchase of further plots


Business plan, negotiations with local council, monitoring changes in allocation, management of sales and contract negotiations until ready for signature

Owner / representative:

Overall responsibility, Volker Müller for BLEG Berlin State Development Company (treasury stock as a trustee of the State of Berlin)

Special features:

Old listed buildings (barracks) of the so-called "Speerplatte", establishment of local planning law for building plan and concluding contract with local authority

Note: This reference does not concern an Immpex project, but its management was responsible for the relevant activities as part of their earlier work.

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